Home > Western Union Money Transfer In Andhra Pradesh> Prakasam> Markapur

Markapur is in Prakasam district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Markapur with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Markapur.

The Total popolation of Markapur is with Male and Female.

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In the state of Andhra Pradesh lies a small tehsil called Markapur. It is the third largest tehsil in the entire district. This tehsil is situated in the Pakasam district of the state. According to the census of 2001, the total population of the tehsil was 71,161. The average literacy rate is about 69%. Higher than the average rate. There are a number of schools and colleges in the tehsil as well as in the towns close by. People are aware of the importance that education holds in todays times and are sending their children to nearby towns to study and receive higher education.

The ratio of men is higher as compared to women, which is a sad state. The literacy rate is not very high in this tehsil district of Andhra Pradesh. The tehsil has all the basic amenities that any tehsil would require. It has banks, hospitals and schools. There are a few movie theatres and restaurants for recreation purposes. For better facilities and services people need to visit the nearby town of Ongole. This needs some development so that people do not have to travel to other cities. The main form of income for people of this district comes from farming and agriculture.

Geographical Information for Markapur
District Name: Prakasam
State: Western Union Money Transfer In Andhra Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Markapur, Prakasam, Western Union Money Transfer In Andhra Pradesh, India
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