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Religions In India
Religions play a vital part in India for which the country is known for its rich heritage and history. It is here that religion not only dictates the way of living and lifestyle, but also it is the soul of living for every Indian. A country which is known to have been monitored by Vedic wisdom, most of it transferred from generation to generation, by ‘sruti’ culture which literally meaning ‘hearing’ from one generation to the next and ‘smriti’ culture, which establishes the honesty of ‘remembering’ them.
It is an important feature connected with the religion, admirable in many aspects although not so in a few, in the opinion of many, that Indian politics swirls around religious affinity and alienation, at some point of time, the country had to be split into two to keep the administrations distinct between two major religions here, namely Hinduism and Islam.
Indian Religions
Hinduism is known to be the religion practiced by majority of Indian population, Islam coming next followed by Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism , Zoroastrianism and Judaism are other religions practiced by different sections of people, whose identity is referred by the nomenclatures of Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis, Jews etc, although more affective phenomena being the castes prevailing within each of these religions, particularly with major religions.
The country’s peace is sometimes under jeopardy because of communal riots that occurs out of difference of understanding from one groups’ ideologies with the other or during religious celebrations of one section disturbing the sentiments of another section of people. Non admittance of certain section of people within the main section of a religion or conversion of people of one religion to the other has also been erupting issues in some parts of the country.
Indian Culture
India’s culture is mostly the same and common with all its regions and States, mostly guided by the principles of Hinduism, which is more understood as a way of life or ‘sanathana dharma’, the living norms dictated by the tenets of that religion. Each of its region having strong culture based festivals, mostly nurtured by respective regions, like the Holi in the North, Durga Puja in the East, Ganesh Chaturti in the West and the farmers’ festival in the South, while Deepavali or Diwali, the festival of lights is commonly havegood following in all the regions.
The early Dravidian and Tamil culture prevails in the South, the Aryan and various other cultures are mostly followed in upper part of the country, these cultures have come to stay since Vedic period, apart from Mughal culture through the Dynasties of different periods and the smears of Western culture pasted during the British raj in India.
With all its diverse cultural realities, the people of India nurture a wonderful fabric of co-existence which had emerged over a period of time that might include decades of united efforzfor independence.
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