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Seoni is in Seoni district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Seoni with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Seoni.

The Total popolation of Seoni is with Male and Female.

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Seoni is a city and metropolis in Seoni district in the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh. In the surrounding area of Seoni Rudyard Kipling used the forests, he spell it as Seeonee, it was like the setting of mougli stories in The Jungle book and in the second Jungle book. The area is not an actual rainforest but it pictures like a rainforest. The city is located at 22.0 in the north side and 79.53 in the east side. The average of altitude of city is 611 meters. The city is half way between Nagpur and Jabalpur. As of 2004, the total population of city was 101,953. Among which male constitute 52 percents and remaining 48 percent is constitutes by females. The city contains large public gardens, tank and market places. The Seoni district is situated in the southern part of Madhya Pradesh. From the north side, the city is bordered by Jabalpur, narsinghpur and Mandla districts and balaghat from the east side, Chhindwara from the west side and contributes the southern boundaries with Nagpur. The average literacy rate of this place is higher than national rate of literacy. There are plenty of places in the city for excursion such as River Bainganga, The pench tiger reserves etc.

Geographical Information for Seoni
District Name: Seoni
State: Nurseries In Madhya Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Seoni, Seoni, Nurseries In Madhya Pradesh, India
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