Home > Nabard Bank In Madhya Pradesh> Ratlam> Ratlam

Ratlam is in Ratlam district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Ratlam with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Ratlam.

The Total popolation of Ratlam is with Male and Female.

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In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, Ratlam is a tehsil in the Ratlam district. In comparison to the males, the gender proportion of females is comparatively higher. The tehsil features people from all religious sectors. There are people from schedule caste and tribes. Here the literacy rate is just about average with more males then women. For its tourism, the tehsil has got some scenic attractions. The ratio of employment and unemployment in the tehsil is almost equal. To those who are in very need, government should make steps and provide job opportunities. Along with colleges that provide basic primary education, the city has got both primary and secondary schools, where this education is given free of cost. In these times, children should be made to realise the importance that education so that this increased education can make their future bright. Also creating a vibrant and pleasant atmosphere in their surroundings, the tehsil should have some recreation sites. Only if the efforts of both governmental as well as private organizations, the tehsil is expected to progress at a rapid pace. This way there will be a rapid improvement in the living situation of the inhabitants. Looking for ways to fulfil them, public needs to be made aware of their needs.

Geographical Information for Ratlam
District Name: Ratlam
State: Nabard Bank In Madhya Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Ratlam, Ratlam, Nabard Bank In Madhya Pradesh, India
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Welcome to Ratlam, A Tehsil of Ratlam, India

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