Home > Mobile Service Centers In Kerala> Alappuzha> Cherthala

Cherthala is in Alappuzha district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Cherthala with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Cherthala.

The Total popolation of Cherthala is with Male and Female.

Google Map Of Cherthala

Cherthala is a tehsil in state of Kerala of Alappuzha tehsil. This tehsil is situated at a distance of 22kms from its district city and about 30kms from south of Kochi city. Cherthala is considered a holy place as it inhabits many religious temples. Numerous pilgrims gather up this region in order to worship their lords and also to participate in the religious and traditional festivals. Moreover this tehsil has dense population with sex proportion of females higher than males. Even literacy rate is above the national average literacy rate. A fair number of schools and colleges can be seen in the region. The citizens understands importance of education and therefore they make themselves enough capable so that they can make their future bright. Furthermore Cherthala is well connected with roads and railways with economic transit services. Tourists visiting this tehsil will find number of hotels and restaurants which serves best accommodation and dining facilities. In addition Cherthala has developed some basic sanitation stores, medical care centres with emergencies facilities and few certain renowned banks. Tourists and its people will not face any problem and will avail everything at this tehsil only. Additionally the economy of tehsil is average with some small scale industries.

Geographical Information for Cherthala
District Name: Alappuzha
State: Mobile Service Centers In Kerala
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Cherthala, Alappuzha, Mobile Service Centers In Kerala, India
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Welcome to Cherthala, A Tehsil of Alappuzha, India

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