Home > Dth Dealers In Chhattisgarh> Dhamtari> Dhamtari

Dhamtari is in Dhamtari district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Dhamtari with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Dhamtari.

The Total popolation of Dhamtari is with Male and Female.

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Dhamtari is a small tehsil in Chhattisgarh. The tehsil needs a lot of improvement in terms of health, education and basic amenities. The tehsil has the lowest health index in the entire state. Despite the different health schemes being offered by the government there is no improvement. There is lack of proper food and as a result the women are mal nourished. Most of the population of this state comes from the rural areas. Urbanization has still not been prevalent in this tehsil. Population here is average. The ratio of men is to women is equal. The fertility rate is also very fair here. The tehsil has a great number of Scheduled castes and tribes. This happens to be the highest in the entire country of India. Poverty is one of the most nagging problems in this tehsil. People do not have enough of money to even afford two square meals in a day. The government needs to give out employment opportunities to the people here. Agriculture and farming is the main occupation here. People are sending their children to schools for primary education. They need to understand that the future of the tehsil lies in the childrens hands as they are going to be running it when they grow up.

Geographical Information for Dhamtari
District Name: Dhamtari
State: Dth Dealers In Chhattisgarh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Dhamtari, Dhamtari, Dth Dealers In Chhattisgarh, India
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Welcome to Dhamtari, A Tehsil of Dhamtari, India

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