Home > Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra> Chandrapur> Brahmapuri

Brahmapuri is in Chandrapur district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Brahmapuri with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Brahmapuri.

The Total popolation of Brahmapuri is with Male and Female.

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Brahmapuri is a tehsil in state of Maharashtra of Chandrapur district. It is also known as Vidyanagri. This tehsil is situated at an elevation of 229 metres high and also at northern side of its district. Brahmapuri enjoys distinct weather with hot and dry summers and cold winters along with high rate of humidity and rainfall. Moreover it has dense population with sex ratio of males higher than females. Also the literacy rate in tehsil is above the national average literacy rate with many citizens educated. Furthermore this tehsil is famous for its educational institutes. Therefore several people from nearby areas migrate to this tehsil for education. This educational hub region has a famous rice market, cattle market and even inhabits a cottage industry of rolling bidis. Majority of residents are employed in this small scale business and earn pretty little earnings. Additionally Brahmapuri contains dental and medical hospitals with emergency facilities nearby to its region. This is even famous for sports like hockey, handball, basketball and chess and many more. Numerous state and national level players come and participate in the tournaments. In addition Brahmapuri has many religions with their festivals but it celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi with great pomp and show.

Geographical Information for Brahmapuri
District Name: Chandrapur
State: Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Brahmapuri, Chandrapur, Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra, India
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Welcome to Brahmapuri, A Tehsil of Chandrapur, India

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