Home > Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra> Buldana> Shegaon

Shegaon is in Buldana district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Shegaon with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Shegaon.

The Total popolation of Shegaon is with Male and Female.

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A prominent municipal council, Shegaon tehsil is located in the Buldana District in Maharashtra. Mumbai is about 550 kms away from this tehsil. This tehsil is positions on the Mumbai-Bhusawal-Nagpur route and is well connected with various major cities, towns and districts. In order to visit interior regions, people of this tehsil can use the services of local buses plying their services in this region. Its proximity to popular industrial towns has ensured that this tehsil also make a prominent name in the field of trade and commerce. This city has also made a name in the field of religious pursuits as the famous Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan is also located in this tehsil. Sanit Gajanan Maharajs popularity is spread far and wide who was considered to be a popular saint with several sacred powers. The temple of this saint is frequently visited by the visitors. Moreover, there is another attraction in the city known as Anand Sagar. This artificial lake offers a picturesque view. Verdant lawns, museum, aquarium and many other attractions are located here. Several artifacts are displayed in this museum. Several colleges teaching arts and commerce are located here. Many students study here and prepare them for their bright future.

Geographical Information for Shegaon
District Name: Buldana
State: Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Shegaon, Buldana, Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra, India
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Welcome to Shegaon, A Tehsil of Buldana, India

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