Home > Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra> Buldana> Lonar

Lonar is in Buldana district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Lonar with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Lonar.

The Total popolation of Lonar is with Male and Female.

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Lonar tehsil is located in the Buldana district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The tehsil is blessed with several natural attractions because of its proximity to natural attractions like Satpura ranges and rivers gently flowing by. People love to spend time at the banks of the river and relax for a while away from the hustle and bustle. Moreover, this area is also known for its fertile land and since the main source of income is farming and agriculture, a variety of crops like cotton and oilseeds are grown here. People are indulged in primary sector jobs. The tehsil enjoys tropical climate and it is perfect for farming too. New and better means of irrigation and agriculture are used thereby increasing crop production by several notches. The tehsil has primary health care centers where people of this tehsil can get the services of qualified doctors and nurses when not well. Diagnostic centers, however are needed in the tehsil making diagnosis of a problem easy. This way, people would not need to rush to the nearest city to get their tests don and the treatment can start right away. Health and hygiene are priorities today and the same needs to be taken care in this tehsil as well.

Geographical Information for Lonar
District Name: Buldana
State: Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Lonar, Buldana, Western Union Money Transfer In Maharashtra, India
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Welcome to Lonar, A Tehsil of Buldana, India

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Adults Children(2-11)
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