Home > Western Union Money Transfer In Bihar> Rohtas> Nasriganj

Nasriganj is in Rohtas district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Nasriganj with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Nasriganj.

The Total popolation of Nasriganj is with Male and Female.

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The tehsil of Nasriganj is the block that is located in the district of Rohtas in the state of Bihar in India. The name of the tehsil came from the sufi name called Mir Nasir Dehlavi aperson who came in the village in the end of the 19th century. The tomb of the person is located in the middle of Nasriganj. Nasriganj is a village that is situated near the Sone River. A market place called Izhar Market is located downtown of the place. The market place becomes an attraction for the common people. There are many other attractions near the village. A big food grain and vegetable market is present and potatoes and rice is exported from here to the other markets. There is a mini hydro power plant on the canal. There are other places like the police station of Nasriganj, telephone exchange and post office. Other markets in the area is Aslam market. This market has some important places like a press named Kumar Press and a book stall named Kedar Pustak Bhandar. The chief occupation of the people is cultivation. The cultivation of the crops is possible because of this kind of land. There are many canals in the area and form a network that connects the roadway between Bikramganj and Dehri. The Son River does not dry the entire year and the widest of the nation.

Geographical Information for Nasriganj
District Name: Rohtas
State: Western Union Money Transfer In Bihar
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Nasriganj, Rohtas, Western Union Money Transfer In Bihar, India
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Welcome to Nasriganj, A Tehsil of Rohtas, India

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