Home > Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Madhya Pradesh> Vidisha> Vidisha

Vidisha is in Vidisha district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Vidisha with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Vidisha.

The Total popolation of Vidisha is with Male and Female.

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In the beautiful state of Madhya Pradesh lies the small tehsil of Vidisha. It was earlier known as Bhilsa. The tehsil is known as the administrative headquarters of the Vidisha district. The tehsil is famous for its temples. Agriculture and farming is the main form of occupation for the people of this tehsil. They work very hard by felling trees in the dense forests of Vidisha. This brings them a small income each day. Since it is not enough to run a family the people of the tehsil have to indulge in other jobs as well to support their families. They are very hardworking people. The literacy rate of this tehsil is not very high. The males are much more knowledgeable as compared to their female counterparts. The people need to be made aware of the importance of education and how it can benefit them in their daily lives. The tehsil has a few hospitals but in order to receive better treatment the people have to visit the nearby towns. The government hence needs to improve the medical facilities that are available in this tehsil town. The tehsil needs a few more facilities for recreation as well. The people need to have a little fun once in a while and for this they have to go several km far into the nearby towns.

Geographical Information for Vidisha
District Name: Vidisha
State: Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Madhya Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Vidisha, Vidisha, Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Madhya Pradesh, India
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Adults Children(2-11)
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