Home > Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Andhra Pradesh> Itanagar> Itanagar

Itanagar is in Itanagar district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Itanagar with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Itanagar.

The Total popolation of Itanagar is with Male and Female.

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Itanagar is located in foothills of Himalayas and is well connected with air and road routes. This tehsil has few dynamic lakes such as Gyakar Sinyi or Ganga Lake and even inhabits ancient Buddhist temple nearby. Moreover this tehsil has farming and agriculture as its main part of economy. Also it consists of many tribal people who are well versed and cultured. They celebrate various festivals which are dedicated to Buddhism culture. Furthermore this land is endowed various sightseeing places and natural landmarks which make this region a perfect picnic spot. Additionally Itanagar is well known for Ita Fort which is regarded as an important historical point.

Geographical Information for Itanagar
District Name: Itanagar
State: Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Andhra Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Itanagar, Itanagar, Tin Nsdl Facilitation Centres In Andhra Pradesh, India
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Adults Children(2-11)
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