Home > Pan Card Agents In Gujarat> Harda> Harda

Harda is in Harda district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Harda with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Harda.

The Total popolation of Harda is with Male and Female.

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In Harda district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, a popular tehsil is situated known as Harda. The tehsil comprises of several villages. Many villages are connected with the city. The tehsil motivates people to work, providing services in the agricultural and farming sector. This tehsil is actually a district headquarters. This tehsil is positioned in the states south western part. This tehsil is basically a tribal area. Gond tribal areas live predominantly in this area.

The residents take interest in education, several institutes and primary schools can be seen in the vicinity of the city. The average literacy rate in the tehsil is just about average where females are less educated than males. Although tehsil is provided up with basic amenities like banks and hospitals but there are no sources of entertainment in this area.

Harda is making progress in a wide array of sectors. This tehsil needs to strive hard to improve a lot and provide excellent services to its citizens. There are banks, both nationalized as well as cooperative banks in this area that help people to carry out their banking tasks easily. Moreover, some banks also have their ATMs in the nearby areas for urgent banking tasks.

Geographical Information for Harda
District Name: Harda
State: Pan Card Agents In Gujarat
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Harda, Harda, Pan Card Agents In Gujarat, India
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Welcome to Harda, A Tehsil of Harda, India

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