Home > Mobile Dealers In Punjab> Faridkot> Jaitu

Jaitu is in Faridkot district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Jaitu with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Jaitu.

The Total popolation of Jaitu is with Male and Female.

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Jaitu is a tehsil situated in the Faridkot district in the western Punjab. The centre of this tehsil is the Jaitu town which is a small but growing town. It has a literacy rate lower than the national average and does not boast of big industries. Government should give extra attention to this sector.The economy is mainly driven by agriculture. Local agrarian markets (popularly known as Mandis) are the livewire of economic activity where farmers sell and buy cotton, wheat and other agricultural produces. The industries here are also agro based processing units, mainly rice mills, saw mills and cotton factories.

Geographical Information for Jaitu
District Name: Faridkot
State: Mobile Dealers In Punjab
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Jaitu, Faridkot, Mobile Dealers In Punjab, India
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Welcome to Jaitu, A Tehsil of Faridkot, India

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Adults Children(2-11)
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