Home > Dth Dealers In Gujarat> Jamnagar> Lalpur

Lalpur is in Jamnagar district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Lalpur with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Lalpur.

The Total popolation of Lalpur is with Male and Female.

Google Map Of Lalpur

A town named as Lalpur is situated in the Jamnagar district in the state of Gujarat in India. The town has nearly equal sex ratio of males to females. The Lalpur town has several schools and colleges that assure the quality education to its residents. Schools like Navapara and Pipertoda have enough number of students. The Lalpurtown has medical, arts and engineering colleges that ensure the delivery of knowledge and skills to its young minds. Porbandar and Rajkot are some famous places that can be visited during Lalpur visit. A number of religious temple and places exist in Lalpurtown that will make your trip more interesting. You can reach to Lalpur town by either means of transportation except buses. If you are planning to visit Lalpurtown by airthen Govaradhanpur will be your nearest airport that is at a distance of approximately 30 km. You can also make your visit to Lalpur town by train as well. Lalapur Jam and Kanalas are the two nearest railway station to Lalpur at a distance of few miles. Delhi SR, Saurasthra and Secundrabad Express are some special trains that have a stop to Lalpur town. But before making your trip make sure that your train have a stop to Lalpur town.

Geographical Information for Lalpur
District Name: Jamnagar
State: Dth Dealers In Gujarat
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Lalpur, Jamnagar, Dth Dealers In Gujarat, India
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Welcome to Lalpur, A Tehsil of Jamnagar, India

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