Home > Blood Banks In Uttar Pradesh> Mainpuri> Mainpuri

Mainpuri is in Mainpuri district with geographical coordinates of in North and in East. Explore the satellite map of Mainpuri with high quality images in the page below. Also explore the aerial photographs of Map of Mainpuri.

The Total popolation of Mainpuri is with Male and Female.

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Mainpuri is a city and a municipal board in the Mainpuri district in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is the administrative headquarters of the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh and is situated in the north east part of Agra. It is situated at an average elevation of 153 metres. According to a population census conducted in the year 2001, the total population is 89,535. The male constituted 53% of the total population and the rest 47% are females. The average literacy rate of the city is 69%. The male literacy rate was reported to be 74% and the female literacy rate was 64%. Also it was reported that the 15% off the population was below the age of 6 years.

The people of Mainpuri usually speak Kannauji and BrijBhasha for their day to day communication. There are a number of prime markets namely Devi Road, Laneganj, Agra Road, Old Tehsil Road etc. Mainpuri at present time has more than one lac population in the city and more than 15 lacs of population in the entire district.

Geographical Information for Mainpuri
District Name: Mainpuri
State: Blood Banks In Uttar Pradesh
Country ISO code: IN
Villages in Mainpuri, Mainpuri, Blood Banks In Uttar Pradesh, India
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Welcome to Mainpuri, A Tehsil of Mainpuri, India

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