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Sesamum are flowering plants, which are cultivated in the tropical regions and is widely cultivated for the edible seeds its gives you. They are one of the oldest seeds which were cultivated over three thousand years ago. This seed can grow in the places, which are drought prone and the lands where other crops fail to grow, this seeds grows at its best. It has the maximum oil content and it is used as a very common ingredient in the foods all over the world.
This plant grows from fifty to hundred centimeters and has yellow flowers, which are three to five centimeter long. The colors of the flower vary and can be white, blue and purple as well. The fruit is just like a capsule and is rectangular in form, which is two to eight centimeter long.
Due to its extended roots, the plant is resistant to drought, but it requires moisture at the same tome for germination in its early phase. The crop can grow in drought and in flooded water as well and is very reliable. However, the crop can fail because of excessive wind and extended rainfall.
Production in India
The maximum production of Sesamum in India is in the state of Gujarat. Other producers of this crop are West Bengal, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. These states combine to produce 78 percent of the total production of the crop in India. The demand of the crop is also very high in India and so, the production has seen an increase almost every year.
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