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Muslims strongly have faith in their religion which they consider, cannot be compared to any other religion and we are born and live in this world only to shower love and affection on God and is said to be an ancient belief that has come since long and is evident from various instances and explicitly shown to the world by Abraham, Moses or Jesus, all of whom are considered to be the spiritual leaders. One could know that Arabic Qu’ran reveals the total principles and guidelines of God and it covers every aspect of one’s life and thus gives/narrates each and every item one has to follow during his life time may be it refers to Fights, Banking needs or one’s well being or to the nature.
Muslims can be broadly divided in to two sects called Sunni who form about 80 to 90 per cent of Muslim population and the other one being Shiva who form about 10 to 20 percent. We can way back to the living of Muslims in the entire part of the World, who are around 25% in the Asian Countries, which is considered to be the largest. Around 13% of the Muslims live in Indonesia, 20% live in Middle East and 15% in African Countries. Also, Europe, China, Russia and America have Muslim population which is a minority. Islam is considered to be the second big religion in the world who form around 23% of the total world population and may number to around 1.6 billion all over. Let apart, the religion is also growing very fast,
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Muslims believe that everything is God and nothing can be compared to him and one cannot try to possess visual image for God. He is Al Rahman (one with high compassion) and Al Rahim (one with high mercy). Allah as the God is called is omnipotent and no one requires any intermediary to call him. Whenever you seek the help of God, he will be there within you. Angels are those who are the messengers of God and will communicate the wishes of God. Various prophets who are the religious leaders were the one to whom God preached the various life guidelines and preaching and by reading Qu’ran the instructions of God are revealed. Muhammad was one who carried the message of God through the Arch Angel Gabriel and his followers have written down several of such messages though majority of the information and preaching was through oral communication and memorization. Quran is the only original and other commentaries are only translations and explanations to it.
Muslims believe that the good and bad deeds of one would along decide his place in heaven or hell. Any Activity done by a human is through the Act of God. The Five pillars of Islam are – Shahadah (Creed), offering daily five times prayers called Salat, Helping Poor (Zakah), observe strict fast during the month of Ramzan, and visit the Hajj the most sacred place at Mecca atleast once during our life. A jurist in Islam means, a legal scholar through with Islamic studies and Ulema is a person who has made several studies on Islamic Sciences who give verdicts on the conducts and behaviors. Before taking food, say Bismillah (in the God’s name) and greet each other wish Assalamu Alaykum (Peace be with you) are the normal etiquettes Muslims follow. Some food items viz pork items, blood, carrion and alcohol are banned in Islam and only halal (food items allowed) are the only food that a Muslim can take.
Marriage in Islam is a mutual agreement between the bride and the bridegroom and the groom is expected to give bridal gift to the bride before marriage and permits marrying four women and ensure to treat all of them honorably. Hoarding of wealth is prohibited in Islam and grabbing of wealth is prohibited, and led to Islamic Banking. Jihad is another practice of Military personnel meaning combat against non Muslims and this is interpreted differently now meaning that it is a defensive way of fighting.
Though there have been several critics on Islam, the religion has come as a very old one since 7th century and one could see the participation of Muslims in various economic, socio development activities across the world and also their cultural and social activities across the global areas have ushered in great growth in different areas
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